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Plant It Tampa Bay

Bird of Paradise - Orange

Regular price $30.00
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Bird of Paradise

The interesting flowers of this popular tropical shrub are often considered a nature's work of art.  Unique exotic orange blooms are often described as a bird in flight, as a colorful crane's head, or even a sunbird drinking water.

The slow growing plant forms a clumping habit with thick gray green leaves upon graceful upright stems. Best with partial sun to partial shade, consistently moist soil and high humidity.

Grows to be about 4 ft. tall at maturity, extending to 5 ft. when in bloom, with a 3 ft. W spread. An outstanding tropical accent usually used as a dramatic focal point, where it can show off its unusual form and beauty.

A fine choice for the garden and outdoor patio pots, where it is often used as the "thriller" in a thriller-spiller-filler container planting.

  • Bold statement with exotic bright orange blooms amongst its green foliage
  • Considered wind resistant, tolerates arid climates and coastal sites
  • Flowers profusely year round when grown outdoors in warm climates
  • Flowers are excellent for cutting


    Easy To Grow

    Low Maintenance

    Great For Mass Plantings

    Good For Containers

      Plant It Tampa Bay

      Grows Best:


        Container Plant

        House Plant

      Plant It Tampa Bay

      Ideal position:

      Full Sun

      6 + Hours best

      Plant It Tampa Bay

      Growth Outlook:

      Height: 2'- 6'

      Wide: 3' - 4'

      Growth Rate: Fast

      Plant Spacing: 12" - 18"

      Bird of Paradise Orange

      The Bird of Paradise Orange, scientifically known as Strelitzia reginae, is a striking tropical plant renowned for its vibrant orange and blue flowers that resemble the plumage of a bird in flight. This evergreen perennial, native to South Africa, features large, banana-like leaves that add a touch of exotic elegance to any landscape. The Bird of Paradise Orange thrives in warm, sunny climates and can be grown both indoors and outdoors in suitable conditions.

      To cultivate this stunning plant successfully, provide well-draining soil, ample sunlight, and regular watering to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Fertilize during the growing season to promote healthy growth and flowering. Pruning dead or damaged leaves can help maintain the plant's appearance and health.

      With its bold colors and unique form, the Bird of Paradise Orange makes a striking focal point in tropical gardens, courtyards, or as a container plant on patios and balconies. Its dramatic flowers attract pollinators like birds and butterflies, adding life and vibrancy to any outdoor space.

      Suitable Landscapes

      The Bird of Paradise Orange (Strelitzia reginae) is not only celebrated for its striking, exotic flowers but also for its versatility in various applications, both in landscaping and interior design. Here are some of the primary uses for this vibrant plant:

      Ornamental Plant: Its unique appearance, with bright orange and blue flowers that resemble a bird in flight, makes it a popular choice for ornamental purposes. It adds a tropical flair to any setting.

      Landscape Design: The Bird of Paradise Orange can be used as a focal point in garden beds, adding height and color. It's also effective when planted in groups along borders or as a privacy screen. Its large, green leaves provide a lush backdrop for other plants.

       Indoor Plant: In cooler climates, it's commonly grown indoors as a houseplant. Its ability to tolerate low light (though it blooms best in bright light) and its air-purifying qualities make it a favored choice for adding greenery to homes and offices.

      Patio and Balcony Gardens: When potted, the Bird of Paradise can decorate patios, balconies, and other outdoor living spaces. Its dramatic foliage and flowers enhance the aesthetics of seating areas and outdoor entertainment spaces.

      Theme Gardens: It's an ideal plant for tropical or subtropical themed gardens, where it can be combined with other tropical plants like palms, cycads, and ferns to create a lush, exotic landscape.

      Poolside Planting: Its tolerance for reflected heat and sunlight makes it suitable for poolside planting, where it can contribute to a resort-like atmosphere.

      Incorporating the Bird of Paradise Orange into your garden or home not only adds a touch of the tropics but also brings vibrant color and an artistic element to your space.

         Caring For

        Plant It Tampa Bay Plant It Tampa Bay Plant It Tampa Bay
        Ideal position Water Temperatures Food


        Caring for a Bird of Paradise Orange (Strelitzia reginae) involves providing the right conditions to ensure its health and encourage optimal growth and blooming. Here are some essential care tips for this striking tropical plant:

        Sunlight: Place your Bird of Paradise Orange in a location that receives bright, indirect sunlight. While it can tolerate some shade, it thrives best with at least 4-6 hours of sunlight daily. Rotate the plant occasionally to ensure even growth.

        Watering: Water the plant regularly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Reduce watering during the winter months when growth slows down.

        Humidity: Bird of Paradise Orange appreciates high humidity levels. Mist the leaves occasionally or place a humidifier nearby, especially in dry indoor environments.

        Temperature: Maintain temperatures between 65-70°F (18-21°C) indoors. Outdoors, it can tolerate higher temperatures but should be protected from frost and cold drafts.

        Fertilization: Feed your Bird of Paradise Orange with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). Reduce feeding in fall and winter when growth slows.

        Pruning: Remove dead or damaged leaves regularly to maintain the plant's appearance and health. Trim back any yellowing or brown leaves to encourage new growth.

        Repotting: Repot your Bird of Paradise Orange every 2-3 years or when it outgrows its current container. Use a well-draining potting mix and a container with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.

        Pest Control: Keep an eye out for common pests like spider mites, aphids, and mealybugs. Treat infestations promptly with insecticidal soap or neem oil.

        Flowering: While Bird of Paradise Orange may take a few years to bloom, providing optimal care can encourage flowering. Ensure it receives adequate sunlight, water, and nutrients.

        By following these care guidelines, you can enjoy the beauty of your Bird of Paradise Orange plant and help it thrive in your indoor or outdoor space.