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Plant It Tampa Bay

Agave Blue

Regular price $150.00
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Agave Blue

Blue Agave is an exquisite tropical succulent plant popular as both an outdoor landscape plant and a potted houseplant. Blue has a maximum size of 4 ft. H to 5 ft. W and grows slowly, making it unusually well-suited to interiors as well as exterior plantings. much pruning as other agaves.

  • Indoors: excellent all year round throughout the US, super easy to care for - this sturdy plant is wonderfully fun and easy to grow
  • Outdoors: thrives outdoors anywhere in the US, just bring inside when temperature goes below 50°F, can be kept in a container or planted in the ground
  • Great for home, office or garden - beginner to expert
  • Plant gifts: blue glow agave makes an excellent gift - beautiful and so easy to care for
  • Toxic - can be toxic to pets and people if ingested


Easy To Grow

Low Maintenance

Good For Containers

    Plant It Tampa Bay

    Grows Best:


      House Plant


    Plant It Tampa Bay

    Ideal position:

    Full Sun

    6 + Hours best

    Plant It Tampa Bay

    Growth Outlook:

    Height : 5'  

    Wide: Up To 4'

    Growth Rate: Moderate grower

    Plant Spacing:  10' apart

    Plant It Tampa Bay

    Pet Friendly - yes

    Toxicity: Safe for pets



    Agave Blue

    The Blue Agave is a spectacular plant with a Southwestern feel. The leaves are a beautiful silvery-blue and eventually, the older plant will produce a tall and impressive flower stalk. Agave plants are extremely easy to grow, being lovers of the Florida sun and very drought tolerant.  Plant the Blue Agave as a centerpiece, in a rock or succulent garden, in pots, or as accents throughout your landscape.    Blue Agave, scientifically known as Agave tequilana, is a visually striking succulent plant that adds a touch of desert charm to any landscape. Native to Mexico, this plant is renowned for its distinctive rosette shape, spiky blue-gray leaves, and impressive size.

    The Blue Agave plant is well-known for its role in tequila production, as its sugars are used to create this popular alcoholic beverage. However, it also serves as an ornamental plant, adding a unique focal point to gardens and xeriscapes.

    The leaves of the Blue Agave are thick and fleshy, with sharp, toothed edges that can be quite formidable. They grow in a symmetrical rosette pattern, forming a dramatic centerpiece. The blue-gray coloration of the leaves adds to its visual appeal, creating a striking contrast against other plants.

    Blue Agave is a hardy plant that thrives in arid and semi-arid climates. It prefers full sun exposure and well-draining soil to prevent root rot. Once established, it is highly drought-tolerant, making it an excellent choice for water-wise landscapes.

    In addition to its aesthetic value, Blue Agave is also known for its ecological benefits. Its dense foliage provides shelter for small animals and insects, while its nectar-rich flowers attract pollinators like bees and butterflies.

    Whether used as a focal point in a rock garden or as part of a desert-themed landscape, the Blue Agave plant brings a touch of rugged beauty and resilience to any outdoor space. Its unique appearance and low-maintenance nature make it a popular choice for those seeking a distinctive and sustainable addition to their gardens.

    Where to Plant

    • Single yard specimen
    • Grouped in a bed of like plants
    • Architectural accent 
    • Entrance to a driveway
    • Container plant

    Caring For

    Caring for an Agave plant involves several key steps to ensure its health and longevity:

    1. Sunlight: Agave plants thrive in full sun, so choose a location that receives at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. However, some varieties can tolerate partial shade.

    2. Watering: Agave plants are drought-tolerant and prefer infrequent, deep watering. Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings to prevent root rot. In winter, reduce watering as the plant goes into a dormant period.

    3. Soil: Agave plants require well-draining soil to prevent waterlogged roots. Use a sandy or rocky soil mix specifically formulated for succulents or cacti. If your soil is heavy, amend it with perlite or pumice to improve drainage.

    4. Fertilizing: Agave plants are generally low-maintenance and do not require frequent fertilization. However, you can apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in the spring to provide some nutrients. Follow the package instructions for application rates.

    5. Pruning: Agave plants do not require regular pruning. However, you may need to remove dead or damaged leaves as they occur. Be cautious of the sharp spines along the leaf edges and wear protective gloves.

    6. Winter Protection: Most Agave plants are hardy in warm climates but may need protection from frost in colder regions. Cover them with frost cloth or move potted Agave plants indoors during freezing temperatures.

    7. Pests and Diseases: Agave plants are generally resistant to pests and diseases. However, watch out for common succulent pests like mealybugs or scale insects. Treat any infestations promptly with appropriate insecticides or organic pest control methods.

    By following these care guidelines, you can ensure that your Agave plant remains healthy and thrives in your garden or container. Remember to provide adequate sunlight, water sparingly, and maintain well-draining soil to promote optimal growth and longevity.