Best Foundation Plants

Best Foundation Plants

Any small shrub can be used around the house. The ones listed here require little or no trim- ming to stay small and pretty.


Carissa Boxwood Beauty

Carissa (Emerald Blanket)  Carissa varieties 'Natal Plum', 'Boxwood Beauty' and 'Emerald Blanket'

Trim to 2' to 2-1/2'

Slow grower

Full to part sun

Drought tolerant

Salt tolerant

Cold hardy

Zone 9B-10

For more info, see the Plant Page on Carissa



Grows to 2-1/2' to 3'

Slow grower

Sun or shade

Drought tolerant

Cold hardy

Zone 9B-10

For more info, see the Plant Page on Coontie


Dwarf Clusia

Trim to 2'

Moderate grower

Full to part sun

Drought tolerant

Salt tolerant

Zone 10

For more info, see the Plant Page on Dwarf Clusia


Dwarf Podocarpus

Trim to 2-1/2' to 3'

Slow grower

Sun or shade

Moderately drought tolerant

Salt tolerant

Cold hardy

Zone 9B-10

For more info, see the Plant Page on Dwarf Podocarpus


Dwarf Yaupon (Schillings) Holly

Trim to 2' to 2-1/2' (3' when mature)

Slow grower

Full to part sun

Drought tolerant

Cold hardy

Zone 9B-10

For more info, see the Plant Page on Dwarf Yaupon Holly


Green Island Ficus

Trim to 2-1/2' to 3'

Slow grower

Sun to part shade

Drought tolerant

Salt tolerant

Zone 10

For more info, see the Plant Page on Green Island Ficus


Japanese Boxwood

Trim to 2'to3'

Slow grower

Sun or shade

Moderately drought tolerant

Cold hardy

Zone 9B-10

For more info, see the Plant Page on Japanese Boxwood


Xanadu Philodendron

Grows to 3'

Moderate grower

Best in part sun to part shade

Zone 10

For more info, see the Plant Page on Xanadu Philodendron